
Peak Performance

Every owner of a concrete pump expects that machine to perform as designed. Even when confronted with moderately adverse conditions such as high or low temps or extreme bouts of heavy rain or snow, expectations are that the pump will do its job. But when the job it is being asked to do is at 14,115 feet above sea level, where it snows year round, temperatures can plunge to as low as -39° and there is a steady 20-30 mph wind nine months of the year, all bets might seem to be off. So, when Southwest Concrete Pumping took on a job to help construct the new Pikes Peak Summit Complex, a major replacement of the current info center/gift shop, it knew it was entering relatively uncharted territory. But today, better than a year into the project, the company says the Schwing S 38 SX pump it has taken up and down the mountain now for more than a year, has performed admirably. Expectations were high — and met. Read more